EDEL Real Estate


Stay up to date on all aspects of the real estate market with our news.

Selling property in Berlin – your guide to a successful sale

Selling a property in Berlin can be a lucrative venture if you go about it right. Berlin is one of the most sought-after cities in Europe and the property market is booming. But...

Real estate prices in Germany: current trends and forecasts

The real estate market in Germany has undergone significant changes in recent years. With increasing demand and a shrinking supply, real estate prices have risen rapidly in many...

Buying an apartment in Berlin – your guide to the real estate market

Berlin is a city of diversity and change. With its rich history, vibrant culture and growing economy, the German capital attracts people from all over the world. For many, buyin...

Berlin real estate market current trends and future prospects

Berlin is not only the capital of Germany, but also a hot destination for real estate investments. The city’s real estate market is characterized by constantly rising pric...

Buying an apartment in Berlin: Tips for your property purchase

Berlin is a city in constant change that always offers new opportunities for property buyers. If you are thinking about buying an apartment in Berlin, there are some important a...

Your noble real estate agent in Berlin

Berlin is a city rich in history, culture and diversity. With its vibrant neighborhoods and constant change, Berlin is a hotspot for real estate investment. If you are looking f...

Tips for selling your property – guides for more success

Selling a property can be a complex matter that requires a lot of planning and preparation. Whether you want to sell your home privately or use the services of a real estate age...

Useful tips for buying a house

Buying a property is a significant investment and an important step in many people’s lives. Whether you’re looking to purchase your first home or invest in fine real...

Real estate marketing: steps for a successful strategy

Real estate marketing plays a crucial role in success in the real estate sector. A well-thought-out marketing strategy can help reach potential customers and increase property s...

Real Estate – Latest News

In the world of real estate there are always new developments and news that interest both buyers and sellers. From trends in the market to tips for buying or selling real estate...

What you need to know when selling a property

Real Estate for Sale: A Guide to Successful Transactions Selling a property is a significant decision that requires careful planning and consideration. Regardless of whether it ...

How to find the right real estate agent

Buying or selling a property is a significant life decision that should not be taken lightly. An experienced real estate agent can make the process much easier and ensure you ge...

These are the 7 most important real estate trends for 2024

The real estate market is constantly changing, and 2024 is expected to see some exciting trends impacting the industry. From the integration of renewable energy to the increased...

Investing in real estate: how should you proceed?

Investing in real estate is a popular way to build wealth and generate long-term income streams. Edel Real Estate, historic properties and other forms of real estate investments...

When is the best time to sell a home?

Selling a house is not only a financial transaction but also a significant life step. In the dynamic Berlin real estate market, which is known for its diversity and internationa...

Advertise your property through a real estate agency: Maximum visibility with Edel Real Estate

Marketing a property requires a well-thought-out strategy to attract potential buyers. In this article you will find out why working with a renowned real estate agency, especial...

Berlin apartment sales trends in 2023

Edel Real Estate presents the latest developments on the Berlin real estate market. Berlin, the vibrant capital of Germany, continues to be a sought-after destination for proper...

Impact of inflation on the real estate market in Germany in 2023

The impact of inflation on the German real estate market in 2023 is of utmost importance, especially when it comes to residential and commercial properties. In this article we w...

Selling real estate in times of crisis

Why property owners willing to sell should act now.

These changes will be introduced in 2022

Real estate innovations in a nutshell.

Developments in the Berlin real estate market

These are the forecasts for the real estate market in Berlin.

German real estate boom continues – despite pandemic

Why investing remains a good decision.